Pilgrims Provision Ministries provides direct financial assistance to other Christian Ministries as resources become available from partnerships. There are two different ways to contribute:

Specific Contributions

At times hearts are moved toward helping others with specific needs! To illustrate, upon hearing stories of severe destitution developing a desire to assist children needing an education is not an unusual outcome. Perhaps an individual becomes aware of a school’s necessity for educational materials. Conceivably a person may learn of teachers who have gone unpaid, or an orphan suffering financial hardship. Or, even perchance an individual hears of a school without classrooms and desires to supply to that specific privation.

Pilgrims Provision Ministries provides the necessary means to see those specific burdens realized in a discretionary manner. Donors may contribute towards specific organizations or individuals supported by Pilgrims Provision Ministries and have confidence their burden of heart is realized!

General Contributions

What do you do if you desire to make a contribution but are not aware of specific areas in which to give? There are plenty of donors who simply want to help but have no link or direction of where to go. Our initiative, along with our worldwide contacts, gives us a perfect answer to this scenario. In the past we have provided resources through indigenous associates that personally care for orphans, secure medical attention, and provide for the basic needs of those in abject poverty. When resources become available, it’s our desire that these precious assets get into the hands of faithful, dependable and integrity-minded Christian laborers. 

To make sure this transpires properly, Pilgrims Provision Ministries periodically sends workers to provide on-site needs assessments and progress evaluations to guarantee transparency of use. This ensures that donations are used properly and, as a by-product, gives us opportunities to explore new areas of interest.

Currently, Pilgrims Provision Ministries provides direct financial assistance to Livingstone Academy in Nigeria. Our desire is to help provide for the building of classrooms, infrastructure, and education materials, along with scholarship funding. As Pilgrims Provision Ministries comes into contact with further areas of service, we’re committed to grow in new directions as the Lord gives opportunity.