
Marcos and Martha Velasco Update – July 2019

Update from Marcos & Martha Velasco

Hello PPM Team,

Martha and I recently went to Cuernavaca and had a very profitable trip. The Iglesia Biblical de Cristo (Bible Church of Christ) began using the home (Casa de Sion) for their Wednesday evening Bible Studies. Please pray for Carlos Flores and Arturo Cortez who are 2 of the pastors of the church. They have both graduated from the Word of Grace Seminary in Mexico City.

They are praying about the possibility of moving all the church services to the Casa de Sion towards the end of the year and are praying for the possibility of having an extension of the Seminary in the home, possibly next summer.

Also, please pray for the missionary trip to Chiapas where Carlos and others will be mentoring and teaching several men how to study and teach the Word of God. The Lord has also recently opened a door for Carlos to Preach the Word on the radio in Cuernavaca. Pray for faithful and sound ministry as there is a great need for that in Mexico. Also, pray for the financial needs of this ministry to move forward.

On our last visit, we had a refreshing time with Fernando and Adela, Romualdo and Rosa, Jose and Maria, and with Joel and Lupita. We enjoyed an edifying couples meeting in the home; Danny and Monica were there, as were several other couples. Pray as we invite friends and new ones from the Loma to visit the Wednesday Night Bible Study. Pray the Lord would raise up true disciples who love and serve Him.

I have been invited to Baptist Convention in Tijuana next week to meet some of the leaders of the churches in Cuernavaca and the State of Morelos. These contacts are important because of the possible future Seminary in the home. Pray for wisdom in my involvement. 

Lord willing, we will be traveling to Cuernavaca from July 23 to August 8. We have to take care of paperwork and registration of the truck, along with other responsibilities. We also plan on doing some maintenance on the homes, as they are in need of repairs. Please pray that the Lord would raise up those who would be willing to help, for some short-term mission trips, that God would raise up skilled men and women to contribute in the maintenance of the homes for His service.

Finally, please pray for Martha and me as we prepare for the mission field. That I would be free to give myself to studying at the Seminary in Sun Valley, and for provision to be able to transition from my contracting work to returning to Mexico to serve the Lord.

Thank you,
Marcos and Martha

San Juan Tlacotenco Brothers and Sisters

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